Two souls.
When two lonely souls come together, the tale of beauty begins. When two people who've done nothing but give, meet, the enigma of selflessness emerges. Nothing wanted in return, the chapter of enigmatic bond commences.
For only that who has never been bathed in the brightness bestowed upon him, knows to shine by himself. Only that who's never had call them for nothing but to know how they are, knows how it feels to have that. That who's forever been neglected, knows what it is to be noticed.
And so, there's no mirror. There's no need for one. For those two, know exactly whom they've met.
The one with the candle, will never understand what it feels to be in the darkness. And the one in the darkness knows wants anyone else to feel it for themselves.
Is it love? I honestly don't know.
But is a bliss to make someone feel loved.
Wow that is beautifully written! :)