The question.

The question.

The first time I was asked what I wanted to be, as far as I remember atleast, I'd answered "a dancer". To the 4 year old me, the practicality and the touch of reality did not hit. I didn't know what I meant. What I'd be putting at stake there. The depth of my shallow choice I could not fathom.

The last time i was asked what I wanted to be, I do not think. I just told them what I was majoring in. This time, to the 20 year old me, the touch of dreaming and thinking out of the box did not hit. I still didn't know what it meant. What I'm putting at stake here. The depth of my shallow choice I still cannot fathom. 

A question I keep on pushing away, holding myself back from asking it to anyone and everyone. If, as of this very moment, you had the choice to change or keep your career route, knowing that any decision you make will not be mocked, judged, spoken against, refused, disgraced, commented upon, laughed upon or gossiped about by your parents, friends, relatives, teachers, roommates, peers or society, would your current roadmap for your life change, or stay the same?


  1. If you had all the money in the world, would you still be doing what you are doing today?


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