What do you love about journeys?
Me? I love the feeling of anticipation.
How difficult can it be? To not think about absolutely nothing? You'll get the answer when you await the most desired meets of your life.
Very. Very difficult.
When I say "journey", what comes to your mind? A car, friends, music, awesome roads, and you laughing and giggling.
Well, my dearest bud, journeys?
Not always that comfortable.
Have you tried travelling in a state transport? Ever?
Sitting between different flavours of people? As your luck would have it, probably beside a 60 year old grandma trying to convey to her son, on her samsung guru that she will be arriving at the destination in about 3 hours.
Behind a family who are super enthusiastic about this very particular journey, and obviously snacking on packets of homemade Chivda or the universal munchy, Khakra. The parallel seat occupied by someone middle aged, very proud of their music taste , and almost all times have forgotten their earphones, and therefore the entire bus becomes a " potential DJ " Audition Venue.
And that one baby! How does it find you??
While you're sitting there, minding your own business, someone taps on your head, then shoulder,eventually standing right beside you in the aisle gawking into your phone as you pray that the "do you have games in your phone" doesn't come up.
The amazing driving skills of the driver combined with the roller coaster effect added by our government to the roads,results into the perfect recipe of "pukishness". To garnish this recipe the use of ingredients like " roadside dhabas and ultra-clean washrooms" is just remarkable.
The losing war against the wind to keep your not so perfect hair at least as intact as possible. The constant attempt to keep yourself cool by wiping off the attractively fragrant beads of liquid off your face as the sun tries to melt you down in the metal oven that you have chosen to travel in.
We could blame a hundred more things for making the journey as bad as it could get. But I know, we'd still travel in this piece of "nothing more than a box". We'd still try to find a way to help the Grandma talk to her son, smile at the family, find cuteness in the little infant, and well... I don't know what to do with the idiot DJ.
All this, for that feeling of anticipation.
To be with people that we love.
For we know, it's all going to be worth it.
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