Nature is a beautiful thing. Our body, our system, the Universe, works in a systematic way that balances and lets everything coexist as if broken pieces of a puzzle being joined again. It gives you what you need and takes away what you don't. Scanning the environment around you, you will find that all the natural things have some purpose or the other. Scientists and researchers have proven this time and again too. But I guess, Nature isn't that perfect after all. Useless thing, tears, given to men when they don't even need it.
Men are suppose to be strong.
Men are suppose to hold it in.
Men can't show their feelings on their face.
Men can't cry.
You know what else men can't do?
Express what's inside of them.
Speak out what they feel.
Confess their fears.
Communicate about their emotions.
You know what this leads to?
Suppression of feelings.
Bursting out of emotions at inappropriate times. Sometimes violently.
Finding solace in addictive or unhealthy bustle.
Not facing their own emotions.
The mere thought of shedding some tears is so loathful that we'd rather have that man not confess that he needs someone or that he needs emotional support and die in solitude.
To speak out, to feel, to be emotional, is human.
You know what's strong?
Not shying away from your own notions and thoughts. Not suppressing the reality. Facing the truth.
It takes courage to let yourself be free.
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